We invite you to join us for a 2-hour hand-balancing workshop that will develop your handstand and provide you with a solid base and the tools from which you can take your handstand practice to a higher level.
Participants will be exposed to a number of practices that will include;
Essential Joint Preparation and Mobility
Joint preparation protocols that will include specific patterns that will give you strong, healthy and resilient wrists. Shoulder and spinal mobilisation techniques that are specific to the handstand and will help to prevent injury and improve balance efficiency.
Alignment, Shaping and Conditioning
Practicing body alignment and shaping drills that will give participants the tools to expand their balance potential. Playing with balance variations and transitions, using specific muscle activation techniques that will help to improve body stabilisation.
You will learn how to move into the handstand using the above methods and various wall practices. Understanding the mechanics of the handstand, partner spotting techniques and how to avoid common mistakes that people make in other training disciplines.
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COST: £30.00
The event will be led by Colin Marshall
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