Take the first step in what will be a rewarding evolution in the way you eat.
We will be hosting a 90-minute ‘Evolved Eating’ workshop, giving you the tools and the knowledge to develop a diet that works for you.
We know that the world of nutrition can feel overly complex and confusing at times, however, with his ‘no quick fix’ approach, David Mckee is positive that you’ll find a new way of approaching your diet, which will lead you to long-term sustainable changes for the better.
During the workshop, David will be covering the following;
- How to build healthy habits for life
- How to make meaningful changes
- Mindset, Mindfulness, Food Quality, Meal Flexibility
- Understanding the building blocks of your diet- Proteins Fats Carbs Vits and Mins
- The importance of Gut health and the foods that nourish it
- Calories & Energy balance
You will also receive an exclusive ‘Evolved Eating’ food guide as well as a 4-week meal plan to get you started on your journey.
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Saturday 29th February 13:00 – 14:30 at Sudden Movements Gym
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